Dr. Nada Awada
Family Medicine
Does a healthy 3 months baby needs iron supplement daily
Dr. Nada Awada,
Family Medicine
- No need for iron supplement at 3 months except if the baby was born prematurely or with low birth weight. Mature babies who are breast fed should have iron rich food ( meat , cereals with added iron... Read More
My daughter pediatrician has subscribed iron supplement for her. the taste is awful and my daughter started caughing and she almost vomit I decided to stop it is it safe?
Dr. Nada Awada,
Family Medicine
- there are plenty of iron products for children.Some are chocolate flavored. Ask the pediatrician to change the brand
How much more should women eat during pregnancy while still maintaining a healthy weight?
Dr. Nada Awada,
Family Medicine
- A pregnant woman does not have to eat much more than non pregnant.You will need only an extra 300 calories per day after the third month of pregnancy. The most important is to have nutriti... Read More
Dr nada im a 19 years old boy im a engineer student and when im home i play video games watch series maybe the problem is that im a little too shy And i wory sometimes about my college grades
Dr. Nada Awada,
Family Medicine
- I can deduce from what you said that your lack of social life comes from the following:1. stress and fatigue due to the fact that engineering requires lot of effort and time. So when you have some tim... Read More
Using oral antifungals for otomycosis for a month,but sometimes i am getting some pain in ear.SGPT level is 59,is it good to use in the long term.
Dr. Nada Awada,
Family Medicine
- Your SGPT level is mildly above normal but it is not dangerous. Did you try local treatment like ear drops or ointments and it didn't work?Your ENT must know the extent of infection in your ears. If t... Read More
I have the following symptoms: sudden and very fast heart beat while sleeping, morning headache constant moodiness and tiredness I often wake-up suddenly shocked for no reason. Who's help can I get
Dr. Nada Awada,
Family Medicine
- First see a general physician. He( or she) will examin you and probably order some tests to check if your symptoms are a result of a physical illness like arrythmia, which is a disturbance in heart be... Read More
I like sitting home and aometimes just chill out and not doing anything so i there a way that can help me go out more often a be more sociable ?
Dr. Nada Awada,
Family Medicine
- I would be able to help you more if I get more background information about you and your life style. Are you a student or do you work because this would tell me of your opportunities for social intera... Read More
Hello. I have a sport test after 2 weeks. What foods should i eat in the morning before the test to get the most energy. Shall i have an energy drink? Thank you
Dr. Nada Awada,
Family Medicine
- start to eat every day high carbohydrate , low fat meals like pasta , potatoes, rice , cornflakes and milk , beans , peas , lentils.You can eat apples , bananas. Don't eat lots of proteins like ... Read More
I have a dry cough & can't inhale properly when i lay down to sleep.Cant get all the phlegm out even if i try coughing most of it out.What to do/take?
Dr. Nada Awada,
Family Medicine
- Is this problem permanent or is it recent after a flu?Do you have any history of allergies like nose allergy or asthma? Do you have nose problems like adenoids or septum deviation that causes chronic ... Read More
Iam taking 3 16mg pills of isosupralidose for 2months, since a week my BP has been high (125 89) ... is it related ??
Dr. Nada Awada,
Family Medicine
- Your Acne medicine is made up of Isotretinoin.This medicine has lots of undesirable effects but high blood pressure is not usually one of them.125mmhg for systolic blood pressure is fine , the 89 for ... Read More
About Dr. Nada Awada
Graduated as an MD from University of Bucharest
Based in
Beirut, Lebanon