Dr. Maria Moukarzel
What is the small black paper the dentist tells us to chew on after he fills our tooth after a cavity removal?
Dr. Maria Moukarzel,
- it is an important step to do whenever you have a new restauratin done in your mouth (cavity filling, crown...) it is the "papier en carbone" or "carbon paper" used because it is very senstive and rep... Read More
I had a car accident 3 months ago & lost my front teeth. I saw 4 doctors who had different opinions, now I'm confused. When should I get implants?
Dr. Maria Moukarzel,
- a specialist opinion is a must and defenetly asap so that he can make a significant study of the residual bone and gum after the loss of your teeth, and define with you the steps to follow: mght need ... Read More
I am not comfortable with my teeth structure as my 2 central teeth are way bigger than the others. I asked the doctor if he can eliminate a bit of its size, he said it will cause permanent pain.
Dr. Maria Moukarzel,
- Well it is true that eliminating some tissue of your teeth can make them more sensitive because the thickness of the enamel will be reduced and the nerve of the teeth will be less protected and isolat... Read More
I want a gynecologist's & a dentist's opinions. Is it true that some teeth whitening methods can be the cause of teeth falling after getting pregnant & giving birth?
Dr. Maria Moukarzel,
- hey!great answer Dr Rania! indeed the whitening techniques,if assisted by your dentist are not harmful,but whenever you missuse it and abuse,it will cause many problems; as for a pregnant women,usuall... Read More
Hello Dr. :D How can i whiten my teeth without hurting them ?looking forward to your support and thank you :)
Dr. Maria Moukarzel,
- Hello, you can defenetly whiten your teeth without hurting them, by laser (at the clininc) or at home by putting a product for a period of time; both cases should be followed by your dentist and avoid... Read More
About Dr. Maria Moukarzel
Graduated as an MD from
Based in
Beirut, Lebanon