Dr. Karim Farah
I started having a fever of max 38 about 5 days ago i have a cough, started antibiotics yesterday but fever is still of 38.2 today is that normal?
Dr. Karim Farah,
- Most probably you are having a viral bronchitis. We need to know if your cough is dry or wet.
Most viral cough or post viral cough are self limiting but can last up to 6 weeks. You need to be examine... Read More
Dry cough+39 fever.Dr gave zythromax ,on day 2 the fever down to 38.5 but i hv now 5cm diameter circlular skin rash on several areas on my body why?
Dr. Karim Farah,
- it is either an allergic reaction to the medication or part of the illness you are having. you should go back to your doctor to check them out. either he/she will change your medications and give you ... Read More
Is there any cure for BPPV?
Dr. Karim Farah,
- BPPV is Benigh Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo that is as its name indicates, not dangerous and transient. it is cured by a simple head tilting maneuver that is done to the patient by a physician. ... Read More
Hello to our respective doctors, i want to ask does hiv affects me if i drink blood of an infected hiv person i mean does it infect by swallowing. 10x
Dr. Karim Farah,
- the question is why do you wanna drink blood. it is not made to be drunk. and you should not do it.
1 time pus discharge from my penis and burning sensation what could it be?
Dr. Karim Farah,
- it might be urethritis. you need to be seen by an infectious disease specialist or a urologist. and you need to be protected during intercourse ie wear condoms
Can i take mucosolvan with advil ?
Dr. Karim Farah,
- you should take the advil with or after eating followed by big glass of water. and yeah you can take them. but not at the same time
Nasal sprays, how to use them? Should I bend my head back? Or stand regularly? Should it go down my throat or stay in thr nose and flow?
Dr. Karim Farah,
- it depends if your are using nasal steroids or nasal saline.nasal saline you should extend your neck back and inhale deep whileusing them to clean your sinuses. and spit them them back whether through... Read More
My frnd has anxty. Lately she has tough panic attacks! She's 19.. What can i do to help her.. How can i deal with her situation perfectly to help her?
Dr. Karim Farah,
- she needs to be seen by a psychaitrist or psychologist to help her deal with attacks, whether by medication or counseling.
Angiography clear(no blockage), heart attack symptoms, ECG performed 5 weeks later shows J point lead V5, inverted T wave lead V6,I,AVL. Opinion?
Dr. Karim Farah,
- i hope the angiography was done after you had your symptoms.T inversion in the lateral leads ( V6, I & aVL) might probably means hypertrophy of the heart. so an echocardiogram should be done... Read More
Mom 49 yrs old has flu for 2 wks till now. Her CBC test showed low RBC and low WBC. She previously suffered low iron absorption. Help plz
Dr. Karim Farah,
- most viral infections can cause low wbc and rbc, usually you should repeat the tests after her symptoms resolves. viral infection doesnt require treatment except for symptom relief. (unless it is the ... Read More
About Dr. Karim Farah
Graduated as an MD from American University of Beirut Medical Center
Based in
Beirut, Lebanon