Dr. Ernest Hage
Bonjour, Es ce qu'il y a un médicament efficace pour l'éjaculation précoce?
Dr. Ernest Hage,
- Oui , un seul medicament , nouveau, specifique pour l'ejaculation precoce , le PRILIGY , c'est la Dapoxetine . un comprimé une heure avant le rapport multiplie le delaie par 2 ou 3 vo... Read More
How can someone have bladder cancer?
Dr. Ernest Hage,
- very difficult to answer ! Gene ADN changes cause normal bladder cells to grow abnormally and form cancers .what causes this Adn changes ? chemicals in tobacco smoke ? other chemicals in the manifactu... Read More
When I have intercourse with my gf during her period, is it possible to catch any sort of disease as the blood she rejects is somehow dirty.
Dr. Ernest Hage,
- Blood flow CAN be a carrier for viruses and other pathogens , so if you're going to have sex during periods , protect your self !
What are the symptoms of kidney stones?
Dr. Ernest Hage,
- Stones in the kidney can be silent . Migration of the stone in the urinary tract causes Renal Colic .
Sudden severe pain in the back,abdomen, genital area,
Nausea , vomiting.
Frequent urination , pa... Read More
Can women have bladder cancer or does it mostly affect men?
Dr. Ernest Hage,
- bladder cancer affects men more frequently then women .
but still on an average of 100 patients , 30 of them are women
What treatments are available to treat bladder cancer?
Dr. Ernest Hage,
- treatment depends on the degree of the bladder infiltration .
Endoscopic resection for superficial tumors
total ablation of the bladder , Cystectomy , surgery or by laparoscopy , for infiltrated tumor... Read More
What is the difference between bladder cancer and cancer of the gallblader? Are they the same?
Dr. Ernest Hage,
- bladder,or urinary bladder,is the organe or pouch that collects urine coming from kidneys and it sits on the pelvic floor
Gallblader is a pouch sitting under the liver and collects bile ,produced by l... Read More
I am 20 year old i have varicocele from 1 : 2 degree in left testicle and i feel the epididymis is more distinct in the left testicle does this normal ? and if not what is the reason and cure?
Dr. Ernest Hage,
- this feeling in the left testcle is due to varicocele and usually this appears and increases with sitting , standing, .. and relieves when you lie on your back.
when you need operation ? : only if yo... Read More
Homosexuality is hereditary?
Dr. Ernest Hage,
- It is very difficult question. lot of study about but the hereditary link is not yet established . We born gay ? or gay is lifestyle choice ?
mais ce n' est pas une maladie . ce n' est pas ... Read More
Hi, I'm seeing blood in urine after being aroused and having an erection, (without having any intercourse.) There is also some red dark pieces coming out. What could be causing this? Thank you
Dr. Ernest Hage,
- the most frequent cause of hematuria at your age is an inflammation of the prostate . but it is very important to see a urologist as soon as possible
About Dr. Ernest Hage
Graduated as an MD from Saint Joseph University
Based in
Beirut, Lebanon