Dr. Adnan Mroueh
Obstetrics & Gynecology
I suffer from mild acne and I'm currently using Granudoxy along with some skin creams. Is it advised to start Roaccutane or is it too strong? Is it preferable to be used only as a last resort?
Dr. Adnan Mroueh,
Obstetrics & Gynecology
- Acne is a swollen skin gland that secrete oily secretion It is caused by either excess androgen or more commonly it is related to excessive sensitivity to normal levels of androgens which are present... Read More
What are the important points to ask the gynecologist about before becoming sexually active, before the first sexual intercourse?
Dr. Adnan Mroueh,
Obstetrics & Gynecology
- The two important sequel of sexual activity that should be your main concern are sexually transmitted infections and pregnancy .You need protection by using condoms ,especially if the sexual partner h... Read More
Is it true having a cat in the house may affect a woman's fertility?!
Dr. Adnan Mroueh,
Obstetrics & Gynecology
- You may keep the cat if it brings the family joy .The fear of toxoplasmosis is exagerated and so many pregnancies have been terminated because of improper interpretation of laboratory results . When t... Read More
Can I use a tampon if I am still a virgin? does it break the hymen?
Dr. Adnan Mroueh,
Obstetrics & Gynecology
- Tampons may be used ,if the insertion is gentle and not forceful. Tears to the hymen may occur if insertion was forceful . The anatomy of the hymen is variable ; females with cribriform hymen cannot ... Read More
Does omega h3 help boosting Testosterone level? i am 23 years old.
Dr. Adnan Mroueh,
Obstetrics & Gynecology
- There is a lot of commercial marketing promoting Omega 3 as being a wonder supplement with unsubstantiated claims that it prevents heart disease and even some cancers . Regulatory Food and Drug agenci... Read More
Should we take vit.d during pregnancy ?
Dr. Adnan Mroueh,
Obstetrics & Gynecology
- Although hypovitaminosis D is being diagnozed commonly on otherwise healthy individuals , there is no evidence to support routine administration of vitamine D suplements during pregnancy .However if t... Read More
Can a woman have her first child after the age of 30 or will the child have down syndrome?
Dr. Adnan Mroueh,
Obstetrics & Gynecology
- Down syndrome can result from pregnancies at any age ,however the risks are small at younger ages and increase modestly after age 35 and sharply after age 40 .At age 45 the risk is 1in 40 ,whereas at... Read More
I'm eighteen and my period is not coming regularly since I first got it? Should I be worried?
Dr. Adnan Mroueh,
Obstetrics & Gynecology
- Ovulatory dysfunction and sress are common causes of irregular menses . If the patient has a weight -control problem , like obesity or she manifests biological markers of excess androgen like acne, hi... Read More
How soon can you take a pregnancy test after sexual intercourse?
Dr. Adnan Mroueh,
Obstetrics & Gynecology
- If the intercourse took place during a woman,s fertile period , pregnancy tests can reveal pregnancy as of day 26 of a 28-day cycle .Hence few days prior to the time of expected menses .
Does a woman's body change when she loses her virginity?
Dr. Adnan Mroueh,
Obstetrics & Gynecology
- There is no evidence that a woman,s body changes after virginity loss
About Dr. Adnan Mroueh
Graduated as an MD from American University of Beirut
Based in
Beirut, Lebanon