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What is the best cream to use for old nose scars due to surgery?
3 Answers
Dr. Bahaa Arbid, Plastic Surgery - How old is the scar? is it red? is it more prominent than the edges of the normal skin?if the scar is white and fine, i don't recommend to touch it; if it's wide, it can be redone to refine it; if it'... Read More
What is the best way to treat a scar?
Dr. Salim Saab, Otolaryngology (Ent) - It all depends on the type of scar. If it is hypertrophic or keloid, also if it is recent or old.
J'utilise un creme qui s'appelle MEBO,pendant 3 semaines apres la suture,que disez vous? et si pendant 1 ans et demi ,si je ne m'expose pas au soleil,est il necessaire d'utiliser le creme 50+,Merci Dr
Dr. Michel Moutran, Plastic Surgery - MEBO est bien comme beaucoup d'autres pommades cicatrisantes. Le fait de ne pas vous exposer au soleil est judicieux. Néanmoins, avec 9 mois de soleil, le simple fait de sortir de chez vou... Read More
J'ai fais comme une ligne de cousus dans mon visage(au dessus des yeux) apres mon accident , maintenant j'ai enlever les cousus ,quel creme je dois utiliser pour avoir ces cousus dispraissent ?
Dr. Michel Moutran, Plastic Surgery - Vous avez été suturé au niveau du visage et les points de suture ont été retirés. A partir de là la maturation cicatricielle va se faire en 3 phases: i... Read More
I have a a very long scar after a humerus surgery. I am using Contractubex, do you think it will help "dissolve" the scar? or it's pointless?
Dr. Mohamad Siblini, Surgery - it depends when you started using it. for a good result you have to start it one week after surgery on a dry clean scar with no signs of infection or inflammation. if the scar is well formed and been ... Read More
Is it effective to apply "Biafine" on a non infected pimple scar on my upper lip that's been there for 4 months so far?
Dr. Ibrahim Melki, Plastic Surgery - Via fine will not do much good. I suggest you have this pimple checked. It should have disappeared by now.