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Can any doctor help me take humam growth hormone injections or i inject them by my coach?
Dr. Zakia Dimassi, Pediatrics - Growth hormone has to be prescribed by a specialist (endocrinologist, the doctor who is specialized in hormonal glands) and for very specific conditions, namely for people with documented growth hormo... Read More
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Does genotropin (growth hormon) lead to weight gain and/or increasing insuline level? What's the relation between high insuline level and gainig weight? And how to reduce it?
Dr. Rania Mousa, General Medicine - Effects of growth hormone or ( somatotropin) on the tissues of the body can generally be described as anabolic (building up). Like most other protein hormones, GH acts by interacting with a specific r... Read More
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Can I take hgh and where can I find it in Lebanon? I'm a bodybuilder.
Dr. Thierry Yazbek, Surgery - If the Hgh is taken without a medical prescription, it is not without some side effects. One of the most common side effects of hGH misuse is acromegaly (overgrowth of bone and connective tissue that... Read More
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