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If my boxers were dry and my gf touched them then her vegina what are the chances she's pregnant (i didnt cum and i felt nothing and was dry )
Dr. Jihad Irani, Family Medicine - Exceptionally little to no chance. I take this occasion to recommend discussing contraception issues with your partner before the sexual act per se.
This is my second child i was wondering can i take birth control pills while breastfeeeding ..and what are other procedures for birth controlling ?
Dr. Hanaa Itani, Obstetrics & Gynecology - It depends on how old is your baby and if you are exclusively breastfeeding or not. To answer your question it's ok to take contraceptive pills while breastfeeding. The other option you have is intrau... Read More
How much does YAZ contraceptive pills costs in Beirut? And do I need a prescription to get it?
Dr. Nemer Charafeddine, Obstetrics & Gynecology - i think around 15 USD no you don't , eventhough all medications should have a prescription...
ما هي انسب وسيلة تناسبني من وسائل منع الحمل
Dr. Rania Mousa, General Medicine - من يحدد الوسيلة التي تناسبك هي طبيبتك و السوابق المرضية و الحالة التي انت فيها الان فهناك عدة وسائل حمل و لكن ما يناسب سيدة لا يناسب اخرى تبعا لحالتها الخاصة و كل وسيلة لها مساوئها و ايجابياتها ف... Read More
عندى خمس اطفال وجميع وسائل منع الحمل تسبب لى نزيف ووالدتى كانت مصابه بالكانسر الثدى ماذا افعل
Dr. Rania Mousa, General Medicine - قبل الحكم على ان وسائل الحمل هي المسؤولة الوحيدة عن النزيف الذي يزعجك عليك اولا الذهاب للطبيبة للقيام بالفحوصات الاساسية كفحص الدم الشامل لتبيان ان كان هناك فقر دم او اي خلل جراء النزيف او سببا ل... Read More
Which option is better to be used as a contraceptive method: IUD or pills and why?
Dr. Zakia Dimassi, Pediatrics - The optimal choice of a contraception method is determined based upon a number of factors:  §  Efficacy in the prevention of an unintended pregnancy. Protection against Sexually Transmit... Read More
Est-ce le preservatif efficace pour ne pas tomber enceinte? Quelles sont les autres alternatives sans effets secondaires?
Dr. Nemer Charafeddine, Obstetrics & Gynecology - Il n'existe pas de moyen de contraception a 100 %. Le preservatif masculin est efficace a 98%, les pilules de contraception sont aussi efficaces, mais comme tous medicaments, ils ont quelques effets i... Read More
Can the contraceptive pill make me gain weight?
2 Answers
Dr. Salim Saab, Otolaryngology (Ent) - c ontraceptive pills usually dont give weight gaiin water retention