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25 years
My son is about 9 months old and he had not any of his dent .
Dec 27, 2015

Dr. Zakia Dimassi Pediatrics
It happens that some infants have a delayed dental eruption, especially if there is a family history on the side of one of or both parents of delayed appearance of baby teeth. As long as your baby is otherwise growing normally, meaning he is gaining adequate weight, length, and has a normal head circumference on the growth chart, and is showing normal motor and neurological developmental milestones for his age, then you need not worry. Normal developmental milestones expected around the age of 9 months fall within the following: 
Social and Emotional
  • May be afraid of strangers
  • May be clingy with familiar adults
  • Has favorite toys
  • Understands “no”
  • Makes a lot of different sounds like “mamamama” and “bababababa”
  • Copies sounds and gestures of others
  • Uses fingers to point at things
Cognitive (learning, thinking, problem-solving)
  • Watches the path of something as it falls
  • Looks for things he sees you hide
  • Plays peek-a-boo
  • Puts things in her mouth
  • Moves things smoothly from one hand to the other
  • Picks up things like cereal o’s between thumb and index finger
Movement/Physical Development
  • Stands, holding on
  • Can get into sitting position
  • Sits without support
  • Pulls to stand
  • Crawls