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At what age should we start doing tests concerning breast cancer?
Jan 17, 2013

Dr. Karim Nawfal Obstetrics & Gynecology
Any women should start having breast exams done by her doctor on a yearly basis as of the age of 20. In addition she should be taught how to do self breast examination.
We start doing mammographies at the age of 35 to 40 for the first time and then yearly after 40.
In certain cases or if there is family history we start earlier. Awareness and prevention are the most important.
Dr. Fadi Abbas Oncology & Hematology
Small add to Dr Nawfal : according to the registry of cancer in Lebanon, 20% of patients are diagnosed with breast cancer are younger than 40 years old, probably related to familial predisposition. if there are breast cancer cases in the family at early age, 30-35, the screening (mammography, breast ultrasound,etc) should begin at early age (10 years earlier than the youngest age of breast cancer in the family). example , if a mother is diagnosed with breast cancer at 30 years old, the daughters should begin at 20 years old, and probably earlier (if suspecting HBOC = Hereditary Breast and Ovarian cancer) due to predisposition of the mutation in the BRCA 1&2 (breast cancer)
Another precision, is for those women who have dense breast over mammography (where the X-ray cant penetrate the breast tissue and the visibility is foggy, they should get an ultrasound .
Finally, it is obligatory to be mentioned in the mammography report , the ACR score (American College of radiology) in order to classify the mammograms appropriately (you should ask for the ACR score to be mentioned from your center )