Dr. Wissam Chalhoub
Family Medicine
هل يسبب السكري نقص في قيتامين د؟
Dr. Wissam Chalhoub,
Family Medicine
- على العكس، أظهرت دراسات حديثة بأن نقص فيتامين د قد يكون عامل خطر يسبب السكري.
Does drinking water, a lot , a symptom for diabetes ? And what are it's symptoms ?
Dr. Wissam Chalhoub,
Family Medicine
- Intense thirst, frequent urination and blurry vision may be symptoms of diabetes at its early stages. More serious problems appear overtime if diabetes is untreated like heart attack, kidney failure, ... Read More
Can alcohol prevent me from sleeping and make my heart beat really fast even after two days of consumption?
Dr. Wissam Chalhoub,
Family Medicine
- Alcohol may cause insomnia.
Fast heart beat or palpitation two days after consumption can be a sign of alcohol withdrawal syndrome (headache, anxiety, tremor, epilepsy, etc...) that occurs when a pers... Read More
I'm still very young and losing my hair at a very fast rate. Can I take some pills to stop this?
Dr. Wissam Chalhoub,
Family Medicine
- Treatment differs according to the pattern and the underlying cause of hair loss. Medical history and scalp examination are a must in your case in order to diagnose the type of hair loss and to give t... Read More
Can diabeties cause lack of Vitamin D ?
Dr. Wissam Chalhoub,
Family Medicine
- On the contrary, vitamin D deficiency may be a risk factor to get diabetes according to recent studies.
What vitamins can help with my hypertension (high blood pressure)?
Dr. Wissam Chalhoub,
Family Medicine
- Evidence based medicine showed an association between an increase risk of high blood pressure and vitamin D deficiency.
Is it true that the HPV can only be done if the girl is a virgin?
Dr. Wissam Chalhoub,
Family Medicine
- Regardless of the virginity issue, vaccination gives also a protection against some types of female and male genital warts.
I have a mole that has some hair growing out, should I be worried about it? can I pluck them trim them?
Dr. Wissam Chalhoub,
Family Medicine
- Moles containing hairs are not usually worrisome. Nerverthless, the presence of hair does not rule out an eventual malignant mole (like certain melanomas at their early stages).
Plucking hair from a m... Read More
Is there any permanent cure for psoriasis yet?
Dr. Wissam Chalhoub,
Family Medicine
- Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease. Till this date it is not curable but many efficacious treatments are available to reduce the symptoms and appearance of the disease.
Success of a treatment depend... Read More
How fertile is pre-cum? what are the chance of getting pregnant from pre-cum?
Dr. Wissam Chalhoub,
Family Medicine
- Pre-cum or medically known as Cowper's fluid (secreted by the bulbourethral gland, a part of the reproducitve system in males) is a viscous, colorless secretion that lubricates the urethra and ne... Read More
About Dr. Wissam Chalhoub
Graduated as an MD from Lebanese University
Based in
Beirut, Lebanon