Dr. Rola Al Dhaybi
Thanks Dr Rola , whatabout medical hair dye isthere any recommended product name ,iuse iralfaris isdin as shampoo for seborrhea or neutrogena t/sal
Dr. Rola Al Dhaybi,
- There are several brands of medical hair dyes in lebanon, one of them being Color&soins 3 chenes. But there are others. The shammpoos you have been using are excellent
As my dr said ihave seborrhea on my face , iuse hair dye but recently i figured that there is permanently wound on my scalp is this hairdye cozingtat
Dr. Rola Al Dhaybi,
- Hair dye could provoke excess of secretions or even a reaction on the scalp. It would be advised either to stop dying your hair or at least a medical hair dye without ammonia nor irritating products
In my pregnancy i had brown lines all over my stomach vertically still present after giving birth..how to remove them or yhey will b gone alone
Dr. Rola Al Dhaybi,
- Usually increase of pigmentation of the skin is normal during pregnancy and during breastfeeding due to the hormones that affect the skin in these conditions. It is expected that several months after ... Read More
Is it okay if I use dermalogica after I put medicines treatment on my face???
Dr. Rola Al Dhaybi,
- It depends on what kind of medicine you are using and what type of Dermalogica product you are using. It is always advisable to put each at a different time. If for example you use Dermalogica cleanse... Read More
I'm in a good health. But, loads of opinions i've heard saying that maybe i'm having troubles in the abdomen or the intestines.
Dr. Rola Al Dhaybi,
- That is not true. The only link could be that if you have pain anywhere in your body this is considered a stress and can cause a flare-up of herpesvirus.
I went skiing and got sunburned. Now my skin is exfoliating. And I noticed a small brown point on my nose. Is it a new mole? Should I be worried??
Dr. Rola Al Dhaybi,
- It could be a sunburn that was red and turned brown during process of healing. If it persists for months then it could be a lentigine (secondary to sun exposure) or a mole
I got herpes and it is growing and spreading slightly far away from my mouth.. I used to apply cyclovex or zovirax, few days after, herpes passed out of existence. What should i do? I need ur help
Dr. Rola Al Dhaybi,
- If it is a recurrence of herpesvirus and you are in good health it should heal by itself. Antiviral topical creams can just speed up the healing and need to be applied 5 times a day. If you are alread... Read More
Hi dr plz can i know if there is any side effect for norophan??cz i use seroxate and curacne thank you
Dr. Rola Al Dhaybi,
- Supposedly it is supplements for hair growth. When Curacne is given we prefer not to combine it with unncessary medications. Supplements for hair growth can contain some vitamins that can increase acn... Read More
But if I am seeing good results? shel I continue using it?
Dr. Rola Al Dhaybi,
- well it's ok but I expect that its effect will go once u stop it
What are the causes of presence of testosterone hormone in women's bloodstream?
Dr. Rola Al Dhaybi,
- Testosterone is present normally in the blood of women but at lower level than in men. If free testosterone level is higher than normal in blood tests then you have to see an endocrinologist. It means... Read More
About Dr. Rola Al Dhaybi
Graduated as an MD from Lebanese University
Based in
Beirut, Lebanon