Dr. Ralph Papas
Obstetrics & Gynecology
I'm HPV positive & 1 wart has reappeared 4 months ago after 3 clean yrs. i'm afraid warts will spread again. might it disappear by itself? should i remove it? Is there any natural remedy i can apply?
Dr. Ralph Papas,
Obstetrics & Gynecology
- Hi!Don't worry. Warts tend to reappear frequently. Just go to your doctor, he/she should apply an acidic solution weekly to shrink the wart or ask you to apply a certain cream twice a week.I woul... Read More
I had a hymenoplasty yesterday but I really regret it. Is the doctor who performed my surgery undo it? I dont want this anymore. Is there a solution?
Dr. Ralph Papas,
Obstetrics & Gynecology
- Hi!It's not an easy question to answer because I don't know what was done exactly.In general what's done is that the doctor creates a new tear and then closes it tightly so that you'll have some bleed... Read More
I had intercourse for the first time & didn't bleed. I had sex 3 times after & didn't bleed either. Is this normal? Will I bleed in the future?
Dr. Ralph Papas,
Obstetrics & Gynecology
- Hi! No worries.Many people believe that bleeding after intercourse is a sign of virginity because it proves that the hymen — a thin, fleshy membrane that partially covers the vaginal opening — "broke.... Read More
Si j'ai pris un comprime de gastrimut, combien de temps faut-il attendre pour allaiter mon bebe?
Dr. Ralph Papas,
Obstetrics & Gynecology
- Pas plus que 2 heures.Ne vous inquietez pas trop si vous n'avez pris qu'un comprime.Bonne journee
Est-ce que le gastrimut 20mg nuit a une femme qui allaite?
Dr. Ralph Papas,
Obstetrics & Gynecology
- Bonjour!Le gastrimut (Omeprazole) n'est pas recommande pendant la grossesse ainsi que pendant l'allaitement car il passe par le lait maternel.Consultez avec votre medecin pour changer de medicament po... Read More
Is undergoing a hymenoplasty (reconstructure of hymen) recommended in case the pap smear is normal but shows inflammation?
Dr. Ralph Papas,
Obstetrics & Gynecology
- Hi!I wouldn't be worried by a pap smear showing just 'inflammation'.This test's role is to detect potentially pre-cancerous changes mainly and inflammation on pap smear is practically an insignificant... Read More
Does constantly wearing a bra (even during sleep) increase the chances of getting breast cancer?
Dr. Ralph Papas,
Obstetrics & Gynecology
- Hi!There is simply no evidence of any risk of getting breast cancer because of wearing a bra.I reviewed the topic and the only recent epidemiological study that focused on this question is a populatio... Read More
Ca fait 4.5 mois que j'ai accouche. J'allaite toujours mais jusqu'a ce jour j ai toujours une chute de cheveux en grande quantite. Est-ce normal?
Dr. Ralph Papas,
Obstetrics & Gynecology
- La chute de cheveux en post-partum est considérée normale.
A peu prés 50% des femmes ont une chute de cheveux plus ou moins important aux alentours des 3 mois post-partum et ceci est en grande majori... Read More
Does it have a permanent treatment?
Dr. Ralph Papas,
Obstetrics & Gynecology
- Hi!There is a permanent medical treatment used to control symptoms of PCOS women with hyperandrogenism (acne, hirsutism etc...). The typical treatment is a specific type of Oral Contraceptive Pills.Fo... Read More
What are polycystic ovaries and how do they cause infertility? How can they be treated in a way that doesn't obstruct pregnancy?
Dr. Ralph Papas,
Obstetrics & Gynecology
- Hi!I agree with Dr Dimassi.However I'd like to add that the lack of ovulation being the main problem leading to infertility in PCOS patients then, in most cases this can be easily resolved using ovula... Read More
About Dr. Ralph Papas
Graduated as an MD from American University of Beirut
Based in
Beirut, Lebanon