Dr. Michel Moutran
Plastic Surgery
How to treat/reduce wrinkles around the eye area? I don't want to treat it with Botox injections. Is there another solution?
Dr. Michel Moutran,
Plastic Surgery
- First of all it is important to know that having wrinkles around the eyes when you smile is something normal. Your blinking muscle contract and your skin is gathered creating an expression wrinkle. Th... Read More
Hi drs, what are the side effects of brazilian butt lift without surgery? it is done by skintech, downtown.
Dr. Michel Moutran,
Plastic Surgery
- Brazilian butt lift is a combines a specific technique on body contouring through liposuction and fat transfer in specific area of the butt to lift it and volumize it. It is done with no scars other t... Read More
My hands sweat a lot what should I do?
Dr. Michel Moutran,
Plastic Surgery
- The use of botox has proven its efficiency on treating palmar hyperhidrosis. The drawback is that it only last between 6 and 8 months
I have big nasal tip(arnabet l monkhar),if i want to have a rhinoplasty,can it be done by laser?with part anas.?and what things i may face after the surgery? And approximitly about the cost?
Dr. Michel Moutran,
Plastic Surgery
- Rhinoplasty is a complex procedures where your plastic surgeon try to achieve balance and harmony in different part of your nose, and with the rest of your face.Sometimes doing a tip surgery alone mig... Read More
I had a tummy tug nearly a year ago. Am still vvstiff all over nd somtimes i get sharpe pain. Also the scar is hardly fading nd is dark brown/black in color. Recently my entire lower part has bloa
Dr. Michel Moutran,
Plastic Surgery
- During tummy tuck we often reaproximate the abdominal muscles that are widened by previous overweight or pregnancy. That is responsible for a feeling of stiffness but it fades away in the first 2 mont... Read More
Is the Facial treatment"PERFECTOR"really effective in removing wrinkles in few sessions&in enhancing the skin quality? Do u recommend instead of botox
Dr. Michel Moutran,
Plastic Surgery
- Anti ageing is a growing field in aesthetic medicine and surgery. Botulinum toxin (one of its brand being Botox) paralysis the muscle responsible for the forehead, between the eyes and around the eyes... Read More
I'm thinking of having fat transfer to my face and lips but I need to know more about this procedure: recovery time, cost, durability of results, etc.
Dr. Michel Moutran,
Plastic Surgery
- Microfat grafting is a procedure where fat is harvested with a very special technique and special canula, then processed through irrigation and sometimes centrifugation then injected with specif... Read More
What to do when someone gets hit with a ball on his nose and they start bleeding?
Dr. Michel Moutran,
Plastic Surgery
- you can have an x ray to see if you did not experience any bone fracture with replacement. If it is the case, then you can benefit from fracture reduction.
How can I get rid of facial moles? Are there any side effects to doing that?
Dr. Michel Moutran,
Plastic Surgery
- Depending on the size of the moles and there type they can be removed with electrocautery, surgery, azote, peels, lasers etc. They might leave a small scar that we try to make invisible. Seek the advi... Read More
I have a bloated stomach but overall I'm not fat, only a big belly with no pain nor constipation. Should I be concerned?
Dr. Michel Moutran,
Plastic Surgery
- You might be having some food intolerance. Seek the advice of a specialized doctor (endocrinologist, gastro entomologist...) to be sure you dont have a lactose or gluten intolerance that might be resp... Read More
About Dr. Michel Moutran
Graduated as an MD from Claude Bernard University, Faculty of Medicine, Lyon-Nord
Based in
Beirut, Lebanon