Dr. Johnny Khalil
Physical Therapist
After I showered, I leaned a bit to grab the towel and heard something crack in my back. Now I have chronic back pain, can't sit nor walk. What is it?
Dr. Johnny Khalil,
Physical Therapist
- A sudden move can cause the vertebral colon ligaments to stretch or develop microscopic tears and produce back pain, or it can be a simple strained muscle. If the pain persists, you have to consult yo... Read More
J'ai mal au dos avec un fourmillement au niveau des fessiers et parfois je ne peux pas marcher l'effet du diffenflex est trop court que puis-je faire?
Dr. Johnny Khalil,
Physical Therapist
- Il faut bien que tu conseilles ton medecin orthopediste. Il y a une probabilite que tu aies un pincement ("disque") au niveau de ta colonne vertebrale lombaire. Le diagnostic sera confirme apres une r... Read More
Trapezius rhomboid muscles pain on both sides for 3 mnths. Is it due to magnesium nd phosphorus deficiency or laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) I have?
Dr. Johnny Khalil,
Physical Therapist
- Trapezius and rhomboid muscles pain can be caused by neck stiffness due to the phosphorus deficiency that causes bone osteoporosis. I recommend you to consult your orthopedist he may demand a cervical... Read More
I have a stiff neck and a headache on the sides of the forehead and around the eyes. Blood test: ferritin normal 58.04 but low vitamin D : 25.27.
Dr. Johnny Khalil,
Physical Therapist
- Low vitamin D can cause headaches and general muscle weakness (stiffness). But also a bad neck posture can generate neck stiffness that causes headaches. So it is better to consult your Orthopedist, h... Read More
Does homeopathic medicine works ? Is it effective? Or dangerous?
Dr. Johnny Khalil,
Physical Therapist
- Homeopathic remedies have been regulated since 1938 and are considered to be safe. Actually, a homeopathic dose enhances the body's normal healing and self-regulatory processes .But homeopathy does n... Read More
About Dr. Johnny Khalil
Graduated as an MD from
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