Dr. Ivana Dabaj
Pediatric Neurology
Qu'est ce que ça veut dire: "Duodénite modérée non spécifique"
Dr. Ivana Dabaj,
Pediatric Neurology
- that means that you have an inflammation in the deodenum (part of the intestin) and this inflammation is not severe and not specific (doesnt look like any special disease).
Hey drs. I always feel light headache and as if hot, and orally my temperature would be 36.8 - 36.9 I know we should add some degrees to oral valuea so Is it in normal limits? Thanks
Dr. Ivana Dabaj,
Pediatric Neurology
- yes it is normal. you don't have fever.
Neck pain for my 4 yr old daughter.. She's tilting her neck left saying she can't straighten it.. I've rubbed Voltaren 3 times but no improvement..
Dr. Ivana Dabaj,
Pediatric Neurology
- you need to see your pediatrician and let her be examined
Cramp file electrique peu pas marcher tombe plusieur fois, peu pas suportez AC ou ventilateur sur pieds,
Dr. Ivana Dabaj,
Pediatric Neurology
- this is neuropathic pain
No didnt have do genetic test , i wish i can know the name of this test to do it and can understand everything about this problem
Dr. Ivana Dabaj,
Pediatric Neurology
- there are different tests depending on the case.
My wife tests showed high risk for NTD, neural tube defect.. I need to know why she can't make abortion in this stupid country and what shall we do.
Dr. Ivana Dabaj,
Pediatric Neurology
- In our country the reason of prohibiting abortion is religious and non medical in the case of NTD. In France for example, in the case of neural tube defects if highly suspected there is a medical indi... Read More
Sa fais deux ans suis sur medicament antidepresseur , cortison mais rien na aide, il ya till un medicament qui peu aide a souleger un peu les symtome
Dr. Ivana Dabaj,
Pediatric Neurology
- in your case the antidepressant will not decrease the symptoms because they are related to the neuropathy. you need other medication.
Dr Ivana , u consult children till age of 18 ,but can u consult me like my neuroapthy is hereditary im girl have 35 ,thank u
Dr. Ivana Dabaj,
Pediatric Neurology
- I am specialized in children ...I can only give you advice in neuromuscular diseases and direct you but I am currently in France and coming on vacation to Lebanon soon. ask for appointment through the... Read More
La conclusion des 2 EMG: Axonopathie,sensitivo-motrice des 2 membres inferieurs Axonopathie diffuse des membres inferieurs J'en ai par hereditaire
Dr. Ivana Dabaj,
Pediatric Neurology
- both EMGs performed by the same Dr? axonopathie means that you have a neuropathy that has tendancy to deteriorate (if axonal) and usually we advice to repeat the EMG 6 months after to see if it is sta... Read More
I didnt't have a knee reflex (in both legs) when the doctor tapped it with a hammer. He said it "could be" normal. Is it normal?
Dr. Ivana Dabaj,
Pediatric Neurology
- it could be normal because you could have muscle contraction (even if minimal) which inhibits the reflex and it could be falsly negative or you could have a very weak reflex which exist in normal exam... Read More
About Dr. Ivana Dabaj
Graduated as an MD from University of Balamand
Based in
Paris, France