Dr. Feras Mahdi
Internal Medicine
My husband is 45 years old. he did the heart stress test (épreuve d'effort) and the doctor said that his heart is fine. my question is: is this test enough or we need to do arteries endoscopy?
Dr. Feras Mahdi,
Internal Medicine
- The test is usually enough and should be interpreted in light of symptoms, other diseases ( diabetes, high cholesterol). Coronary angiogram is not recommended as a screening test in the absence o... Read More
I need to know what the Seroquel is for and what the XR means. My doctor prescribe me 1 tablet seroquel 300mg xr at the evening but I couldn't find the 300mg so I have the 100mg, 3 instead 1.
Dr. Feras Mahdi,
Internal Medicine
- XR stands for extended release....which means the tablet is designed so that the active ingredient slowly releases...thus increasing its active time in the body and decreases number of doses. If ... Read More
I used to take Cypro-vita as an appetite tonic for me being underweight, but then they told me its unhealthy, is that right ?
Dr. Feras Mahdi,
Internal Medicine
- Cypro-vita is two components in a sense..1-the multivitamins ( vita) which according to research have minimal if any benefit if you are eating a regular diet and have not had any surgery that involves... Read More
I'm suspecting I have Atrial Fibrillation justified with my fast paced heart beats, sometimes when I laugh, I almost feel like I'm going to faint...
Dr. Feras Mahdi,
Internal Medicine
- Dear,Atrial fibrillation is defined by irregularly irregular heart rate. It also has a characteristic pattern on ECG. As to rapid heart rate, or what you describe, these are most likely something... Read More
Im taking a medicine called butcher's broom that remove excess of water (thats what ive been told).but my question is should i see a nutrition to tell me if there is need to use it or not?
Dr. Feras Mahdi,
Internal Medicine
- What do you mean by excess water?
In all cases you should NOT be taking such a herbal medicine, as this could be very dangerous
About Dr. Feras Mahdi
Graduated as an MD from American University of Beirut
Based in
Beirut, Lebanon