Dr. Falah Bachour
Orthopedic Surgery
I had a thigh bone fracture, they put me a gyps to my whole leg, the knee is having tumor, my 1st physiotherapy hurts lot, is it better to check a doc for the tumor? i cant even bend it much it hurts
Dr. Falah Bachour,
Orthopedic Surgery
- Of course you must see an orthopedist to assess your fracture, swelling and stiffness in the knee area. I ill not call it tumor. After imobilsiation of a joint for a long period, swelling oedema and s... Read More
2 months after a bone relocation surgery for the leg (in which metal rod has been placed), the ankle area is still notedly swollen, is this normal? and how long does it need to go back to normal?
Dr. Falah Bachour,
Orthopedic Surgery
- It is normal to have swelling at this stage after this type of surgery. But be sure first that there are no secondary displacement of the fracture sight nor migration of the material put in place by d... Read More
My mother, 62 years old, had (9 weeks ago) a fracture just below the right shoulder, it was immobilized for 5-6 weeks, after that her right hand fingers got enflated and still are. Is that normal?
Dr. Falah Bachour,
Orthopedic Surgery
- Yes at this stage, it is normal to have swelling and oedema in the wrist and hand. She must start physiotherapy after of course making a new visit to an orthopedist surgeon for clinical exam and X-RAY... Read More
What are the natural methods of getting Vitamin D?
Dr. Falah Bachour,
Orthopedic Surgery
- Sunshine is the most natural way to get vitamin D.
There are several food sources for vitamin D. Fish such as salmon, tuna and mackerel are sources of this vitamin, as are egg yolks, cheese and beef ... Read More
Can a girl on 23 old has a disck ?
Dr. Falah Bachour,
Orthopedic Surgery
- Herniated discs can occur at any age from puberty. At 23 yes discopathy with herniated disc causing conflict with the adjacent nerve can be possible. You must see your general practitioner to start th... Read More
My ''petit rond'' muscle has dissapeared , i play volleyball and my shoulders back muscels are stiff all the time , i have done physioterapy , kayropractic,and osteopatic sessions but it's always stif
Dr. Falah Bachour,
Orthopedic Surgery
- Are you sure from your diagnosis? Did your practitioner try to search for a local shoulder conflict or local entrapment of a nerve or adjacent pain from the cervical spine ?
Hello! I sort off popped something in my knee while playing soccer a while ago. Nowadays when I remain seated for long periods of time and get up I start feeling pain around the area. Any suggestions?
Dr. Falah Bachour,
Orthopedic Surgery
- These are symptoms of patello femoral syndrom which means problems between the patella or anterior bone of the knee (knee cap) and the femur (bone of the thigh). Symptoms are: pain anteriorly and post... Read More
Who are the best combination of Doctors (Orthopedic Doc Neuro Surgeon) in doing the FUSION operation in lebanon?
Dr. Falah Bachour,
Orthopedic Surgery
- Spinal surgery and fusion can be done by orthopedic surgeons or neurosurgeons who have experience in such surgery. In 2013, most of orthopedic surgeons and neurosurgeons have subspecialities. Spine su... Read More
Im 45 years old and i feel numb in my hands and feet is it normal because im working hard and standing all day long in my work
Dr. Falah Bachour,
Orthopedic Surgery
- Before considering the cause of hard work etc... You must rule out other causes such as:
-Peripheric cause by local compression of the median nerve when it goes through the carpal tunnel at the wrist ... Read More
What is the treatment for a partial tear in the anterior talafibular ligament? is it surgery or only physiotherapy? can the ligament heal fully?
Dr. Falah Bachour,
Orthopedic Surgery
- Anterior talofibular ligament is a part of lateral collateral ligament composed by 3 ligaments. The major one is the posterior. The injury of the anterior one is considered as a moderate lateral ankle... Read More
About Dr. Falah Bachour
Graduated as an MD from Lariboisiere-Saint Louis University
Based in
Beirut, Lebanon