Dr. Antoine Younan
My penis when not erected goes inside the body as there is nothing present, and while erected it is normal, any solution for that?
Dr. Antoine Younan,
- What are your height and weight? If you are overweight, you can go on a diet to lose fat. If your body mass index is higher then 35, you can do a sleeve gastrectomy. And if the problem is not resolved... Read More
Je n'ai pas d'amis et ca me stresse. Comment se faire des amis? Je suis trop timide.
Dr. Antoine Younan,
- Je vous conseille de voir un psychologue qui peut vous écouter et essayer de trouver une cause intrinsèque a cette solitude et peut vous aider a surmonter ce problème.
I had an echography today and a polype of 1.3mm was detected inside my visicul biliary (internal surface). Is it serious? How can it be treated?
Dr. Antoine Younan,
- i advice you to repeat the ultra sound in 6 months. if the size in unchange u can keep the follow up once per year.usually if the polype is more then 1cm it is preferable to do laparoscopic cholecyste... Read More
I am a 26 years old female and ive been gradually gaining weight for the last 7 years. I currently weight 120 kg and i'm 167cm tall. Can you please vote wether i should do a sleeve surgery?
Dr. Antoine Younan,
- Hi,your BMI (Body Mass Index) is 43. so your are classified as Morbid obese, In this case even in the absence of co morbidities factors such as diabetes or hypertension, or sleep apnea, it is an indic... Read More
Hello,i'm thinking of removing my hemorrhoid by surgery, is it painful? does the recovery phase take time? and is there a possibility that i would have it again after the surgery?
Dr. Antoine Younan,
- Internal hemorrhoids are classified according to a system of grades.
Grade One internal hemorrhoids do not protrude from the anal canal, though they may cause other symptoms such as bleeding or itchi... Read More
Ive heard about a new Bariatric Surgery called Plication, is it good? efficient? what a about its long run? its scientific evidence?
Dr. Antoine Younan,
- Gastric Plication is a restrictive procedure. It reduces the size of the stomach and limits the amount of food that can be eaten . It does not cause decreased absorption of nutrients or bypass the in... Read More
About Dr. Antoine Younan
Graduated as an MD from Saint Joseph University
Based in
Beirut, Lebanon