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Two years old went through multiple bouts of pulmonary infections,was admitted to hospitals multiple time.Resides in kornat chehwan with limited resourses.What choices do her parents have?
Feb 13, 2013

Dr. Ivana Dabaj Pediatric Neurology
she needs to be tested for problems in immunity, cystic fibrosis as well as structural problems of her lungs (malformations, ...). She really needs to get to a hospital (maybe governmental one if they have limited resources). I wish I could help more but the parents need to let her be checked.
Dr. Dania Khalaf Pediatrics
As dr ivana said ,the infant must be followed by pulmonilogist and lab exams and xray must de done to eliminate the diseases that cause pulmonary infections in child ,lf the results are negative ,than many advices can help ,like 1-limiting the predisposition to infections ,no daycare ,no sick people around... 2-vaccination for the most common virus and bacteria that causes pulmonary infections like fluvaccine and anti pneumococcal vaccin and antiRSV vaccin 3-there Is some medication that can help like cortisone by nebulisation ,and we can try the medication that booster immunity,that contain immunoglobulins ....and for sure the baby must be well followed by pediatrician to try to cure instantly the infections and limit the hospitalisations ...