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1 year
Thanks a lot dr by the way he is still eating from my breast and its colour white withe strange shapes it does not appear every day he didnt take any medicine only pedia vit if I give him untihestamin
Jul 20, 2014

Dr. Rania Mousa General Medicine
if the white patches are white with different shapes ,then this might be caused by different cause other than allergy .
some babies develop these patches in summer season ,or in hot dry weather ,or after a hot bath ,...
some are caused by a fungal infection
or allergic dermatitis due to soaps used or perfumes or powder ,....
he may also be allergic to plastic components or anything else
don't be confused ,try the following
you are the main person who can help in your baby situation :
- since these patches don't occur everyday ,then there for sure a reason when they appear ,put an eye on everything tha baby make at the day the patches appear ,what he eat at that day ,what he dressed at that day ,plastic use,...anything different than the day before
-eliminate the perfumes and soap used for the baby
-put sun screen protection for your baby when exposed to sun
-try to see when these patches appear when the baby is out when he take a bath ,...
after doing all this ,it is strongly advised that when the patches appear to take to a dermatologist to see them and diagnose and thus treat
the doctor will give treatment that varies depending on diagnose
you can start by antihistamine for your baby ,and follow the tips mentioned above ,if the condition is still present take to the doctor as i said before ,better treatment with better diagnose ,the doctor can see what you describe and examine and may order tests .