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22 years
No I meant the BCG treatment for bladder cancer, instead of staying in the bladder, the bacteria entered the blood stream!
Feb 5, 2014

Dr. Nehme Raad Urology
BCG can enter into the body via the vessels of the bladder and the prostate. This could lead to a systemic infection by this germ.
Some conditions could increase the risk of dissemination of BCG:
• If BCG is given during the first 2 weeks after resection.
• If blood is visualized in the urine before BCG in given.
• If the catheterisation of the bladder was traumatic.
• If there is a symptomatic urinary tract infection.
In these cases, appropriate treatment must be given or BCG treatment must be delayed.

If the BCG entered into the blood, appropriate treatment must be given for a long period of time.
Furthermore, additional intravesical BCG should no more be given.
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