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My prostate is overgrown, I am 60 years old
May 20, 2013

Dr. Salim Saab Otolaryngology (ENT)
Please mention what you need to know, if it's an hypertrophied prostate or a tumefaction (an echography could determine that) and the symptoms that you are experiencing.
Dr. Nehme Raad Urology
The prostate is a gland that lies just below the bladder and surrounds the urethra. It normally increase in size with aging.
Having a very big or a small prostate does not have any influence on the symptoms you might have: a person might have a large prostate and not being bothered; someone might have a small prostate and feels very bothered by his symptoms.
So if you have a large prostate and you don't feel any symptom, there's no reason for you to worry.
I encourage you to have a regular annual check up by PSA test and digital rectal examination.