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Is neuropathy curable ? And how long does the healing process take ?
Aug 17, 2014

Dr. Rania Mousa General Medicine
Neuropathy is not a single disease , it is a complication found in a number of different underlying medical conditions. It can also be seen without the cause being diagnosed, It is then called i "idiopathic."

>>SO it is curable or not depending on the cause

The term neuropathy is short for peripheral neuropathy, meaning nerve damage in the peripheral nervous system. Only nerves outside of the brain and spinal cord are involved, so peripheral neuropathy does not include nerve damage in the central nervous system.
causes might be :

Physical trauma, repetitive injury, infection, metabolic problems and exposure to toxins and some drugs can all lead to peripheral neuropathy.

Most cases of neuropathy are found in people who have the metabolic disorder diabetes,2 when it is known simply as diabetic neuropathy.

Symptoms are usually :

often described as pain being a tingling or burning sensation. They are also often described as loss of sensation similar to what it would be like wearing a thin stocking or glove.

if neuropathy is suspected ,we must turn over the diagnose of cause as a key of treatment .

Being tested for neuropathy is routine for people with diabetes ,guidelines urge to look out for the clinical signs of neuropathy the first time a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes is made, and five years after a diagnosis of type 1 diabetes.

Whether single or multiple nerves are affected by neuropathy, the underlying cause can often be targeted for treatment, but if the background condition cannot be corrected, treatment takes the form of symptomatic pain relief.

For toxic causes, simply removing the exposure to a suspect toxin, or stopping a culprit drug, will halt further nerve damage behind the neuropathy.

When neuropathy is caused by compression of a single nerve, treatment is similar
whichever nerve is involved, and depends on whether the compression is fixed or transient
other options depending on causes are medications and surgery .

so what is the cause of your neuropathy to know the treatment option.