25 years
I just wanna knw about the massage done for cellulite..is it efficient??
Aug 6, 2014
Cellulite is fat cells that have bulged into the skin's middle layer, where they pull on connective tissue to create an unattractive, dimpled skin surface.
you need to strengthen and hydrate your body's cells and the connective tissue in your body.
Concerning treatments , most treatment options have a slight effect on cellulite reduction ,it may had a slight temporary effect or it may appear that there is no cellulite but the fact is that it is only constricting the superficial blood vessels only with no effect on the fat deposits under skin ,there are creams mixed with caffeine and aminophilline ,mesotherapy ,laser treatment ,massage ,....
CONCERNING MASSAGE TREATMENT FOR CELLULITE the base of the techniques and theories is on the concept that vigorous massage helps to increase blood circulation, removing toxins and reducing excessive amounts of fluid in areas that contain cellulite. While massage may temporarily compress fat cells, the beneficial results are usually short-lived.
Hence it is effective in reducing the aspect when the technique is stopped the condition will recur.
You can benefit from these tips :
-stop alcohol and cigarettes
-eat lots of leafy greens and fruit. Organic food is better because it contains fewer toxins like pesticides.
-Avoid junk food, diet soda, processed foods, artificial colors and flavors, and saturated fats such as butter and animal fats.
-Limit sugar and salt, which aggravate fluid retention. A trip to a detox spa or a health spa can help you make some of these changes.
-Drink a lot of water to hydrate your body and flush out toxins. Eight to ten glasses a day are recommended.
-when taking bath brush your body ,this simple technique stimulates blood and lymph flow, removes dead skin cells and encourages new cell growth.
-do not bathe in a hot water ,but bathe in a comfortable, warm
-after finishing a hot bath ,take a cool rinse to tone your skin.
-Glucosamine supplements are good for joints and skin
-Maintain a healthy weight
-exercise to tone your muscles
-avoid high-pressure massage so as not to damage lymphatic function and micro-circulation. Also avoid high-impact exercise if the cellulite is severe.
Usually Poor diet,Fad dieting,Slow metabolism,Lack of physical activity,Hormone changes,Dehydration,Total body fat,Thickness and color of your skin all these factors that contribute and may cause cellulite,dealing with these you can protect and reduce the cellulite appearance .
you need to strengthen and hydrate your body's cells and the connective tissue in your body.
Concerning treatments , most treatment options have a slight effect on cellulite reduction ,it may had a slight temporary effect or it may appear that there is no cellulite but the fact is that it is only constricting the superficial blood vessels only with no effect on the fat deposits under skin ,there are creams mixed with caffeine and aminophilline ,mesotherapy ,laser treatment ,massage ,....
CONCERNING MASSAGE TREATMENT FOR CELLULITE the base of the techniques and theories is on the concept that vigorous massage helps to increase blood circulation, removing toxins and reducing excessive amounts of fluid in areas that contain cellulite. While massage may temporarily compress fat cells, the beneficial results are usually short-lived.
Hence it is effective in reducing the aspect when the technique is stopped the condition will recur.
You can benefit from these tips :
-stop alcohol and cigarettes
-eat lots of leafy greens and fruit. Organic food is better because it contains fewer toxins like pesticides.
-Avoid junk food, diet soda, processed foods, artificial colors and flavors, and saturated fats such as butter and animal fats.
-Limit sugar and salt, which aggravate fluid retention. A trip to a detox spa or a health spa can help you make some of these changes.
-Drink a lot of water to hydrate your body and flush out toxins. Eight to ten glasses a day are recommended.
-when taking bath brush your body ,this simple technique stimulates blood and lymph flow, removes dead skin cells and encourages new cell growth.
-do not bathe in a hot water ,but bathe in a comfortable, warm
-after finishing a hot bath ,take a cool rinse to tone your skin.
-Glucosamine supplements are good for joints and skin
-Maintain a healthy weight
-exercise to tone your muscles
-avoid high-pressure massage so as not to damage lymphatic function and micro-circulation. Also avoid high-impact exercise if the cellulite is severe.
Usually Poor diet,Fad dieting,Slow metabolism,Lack of physical activity,Hormone changes,Dehydration,Total body fat,Thickness and color of your skin all these factors that contribute and may cause cellulite,dealing with these you can protect and reduce the cellulite appearance .