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20 years
I hve a stuttering problem,it only happens when im nervous. This is preventing me from presenting infront of my class. However its fine when im with friends & family. How to build self confidence? Thx
Aug 20, 2014

Dr. Zakia Dimassi Pediatrics
Catherine Montgomery, a stuttering specialist, says in an article about the subject: "[Stuttering is] not a nervous disorder or a condition caused by stress. “If stress caused stuttering, we’d all be stuttered." Yet, stuttering can get worse under anxiety or stress. And anxiety and stress can result from stuttering. Some for instance, if your very 1st presentation in front of an audience (eg the classroom), you stuttered while pronouncing a few sentences, and this was confronted with ridiculing comments, the next time you have a class presentation, in your mind you'll think that it's going to be intimidating and maybe embarrassing like the previous time, because you are under the impression that you have difficulty in public speaking. These thoughts perpetuate stuttering every time you want to speak in front of a crowd.
Treatment is by cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which aims to deal with these thoughts that trap you in the stress-stuttering-stress cycle, and modify your ideas about stuttering while trying to explain how stuttering affects you and how to overcome these effects and replace them with positive attitude.
Dr. Salim Saab Otolaryngology (ENT)
you need psychotherapy and speechtherapywith relaxation seances