20 years
I have like a big wide grey acne between my armpit and breast .. it sometimes itches me and becomes red.. what might it be?
Aug 8, 2014
Moles are small patches on the skin that form due to collections of cells called melanocytes, which produce the colour (pigment) in your skin
There are several types of moles ,
1-common mole (nevus)وحمة is a small growth on the skin that is usually pink, tan, or brown and has a distinct edge. People who have more than 50 common moles have a greater chance than others of developing a dangerous type of skin cancer known as melanoma. Most common moles do not turn into melanoma(skin cancer)
2-A dysplastic nevus is an unusual mole that is often large and flat and does not have a symmetric round or oval shape. The edge is often indistinct. It may have a mixture of pink, tan, or brown shades. People who have many dysplastic nevi have a greater chance than others of developing melanoma, but most dysplastic nevi do not turn into melanoma.
3-If the color, size, shape, or height of a mole changes or if it starts to itch, bleed, or ooze, people should tell their doctor. People should also tell their doctor if they see a new mole that doesn’t look like their other moles.
The only way to diagnose melanoma is to remove tissue and check it for cancer cells.
normally ,moles are often a brownish colour, although some may be darker or skin-coloured. They can be flat or raised, smooth or rough, and some have hair growing from them. Moles are usually circular or oval with a smooth edge
Melanomas usually appear as a dark, fast-growing spot where there was not one before, or a pre-existing mole that changes size, shape or colour and bleeds, itches or reddens.
Features to ask when examining a mole are :
is the mole symetrical ,if you put a line in the half are the two sides equal?
Are the mole borders straight or jagged irregular ?
is there different colors in a mole ?
is the size bigger than a pencil rubber ?
is there any change with time in the symmetry ,color ,size ,texture ,hardness ,itchiness ,...?
ALL these presentations are very important for evaluation .
Usually we advice every mole in general to be evaluatedby a dermatologist , BUT
since your mole is big ,weird ,turns in color ,itchy YOU MUST HAVE TO BE TESTED BY A DERMATOLOGIST to be evaluated ,it may be simple but it may be serious too and must be diagnosed .
There are several types of moles ,
1-common mole (nevus)وحمة is a small growth on the skin that is usually pink, tan, or brown and has a distinct edge. People who have more than 50 common moles have a greater chance than others of developing a dangerous type of skin cancer known as melanoma. Most common moles do not turn into melanoma(skin cancer)
2-A dysplastic nevus is an unusual mole that is often large and flat and does not have a symmetric round or oval shape. The edge is often indistinct. It may have a mixture of pink, tan, or brown shades. People who have many dysplastic nevi have a greater chance than others of developing melanoma, but most dysplastic nevi do not turn into melanoma.
3-If the color, size, shape, or height of a mole changes or if it starts to itch, bleed, or ooze, people should tell their doctor. People should also tell their doctor if they see a new mole that doesn’t look like their other moles.
The only way to diagnose melanoma is to remove tissue and check it for cancer cells.
normally ,moles are often a brownish colour, although some may be darker or skin-coloured. They can be flat or raised, smooth or rough, and some have hair growing from them. Moles are usually circular or oval with a smooth edge
Melanomas usually appear as a dark, fast-growing spot where there was not one before, or a pre-existing mole that changes size, shape or colour and bleeds, itches or reddens.
Features to ask when examining a mole are :
is the mole symetrical ,if you put a line in the half are the two sides equal?
Are the mole borders straight or jagged irregular ?
is there different colors in a mole ?
is the size bigger than a pencil rubber ?
is there any change with time in the symmetry ,color ,size ,texture ,hardness ,itchiness ,...?
ALL these presentations are very important for evaluation .
Usually we advice every mole in general to be evaluatedby a dermatologist , BUT
since your mole is big ,weird ,turns in color ,itchy YOU MUST HAVE TO BE TESTED BY A DERMATOLOGIST to be evaluated ,it may be simple but it may be serious too and must be diagnosed .