20 years
I have a sha3ra ma2loune right above my nose , it is gettin bigger snd it is hurting me a bit !! what should i do ?
Aug 26, 2014
An ingrown hair often occurs as a result of shaving. The hair is cut with a razor, and as it begins to grow back it curls inside the hair follicle at a different angle.
The hair gets trapped beneath the skin.
A common sign of an ingrown hair is a small bump that is red or pink and tender to touch.
Removing an ingrown hair is a simple process but can be painful and could lead to further infection and scarring.
Remove an ingrown hair from the face only if absolutely necessary, an ingrown hair will naturally diminish in most cases within one or two weeks.
Remove the ingrown hair using a set of tweezers.
Dip tweezers into rubbing alcohol.
Wipe all parts of the tweezers clean, using a cotton ball soaked in the alcohol.
The hair can only be removed if the tip is visible.
Use a magnifying mirror to identify the hair if it cannot be seen with the naked eye. Grip the hair with the tweezer tip and quickly pull.
Do not attempt this repeatedly as the skin will become irritated.
If the hair cannot be located, try again the next day.
Apply a hot compress to draw out any pus or bacteria still present.you can apply fucidin gel on it
if the condition is complicated then you can check with a dermatologist to remove it in or he can use a laser .
A laser can be used to neutralized the hair follicle, killing the hair growing inside the skin. The laser gives a quick zap to the area that feels similar to a rubber band being snapped on the skin. This treatment is recommended for people who suffer from ingrown hairs on a regular basis
Most ingrown hairs will naturally heal themselves and fall out within one week of the hair follicle becoming infected.
The hair gets trapped beneath the skin.
A common sign of an ingrown hair is a small bump that is red or pink and tender to touch.
Removing an ingrown hair is a simple process but can be painful and could lead to further infection and scarring.
Remove an ingrown hair from the face only if absolutely necessary, an ingrown hair will naturally diminish in most cases within one or two weeks.
Remove the ingrown hair using a set of tweezers.
Dip tweezers into rubbing alcohol.
Wipe all parts of the tweezers clean, using a cotton ball soaked in the alcohol.
The hair can only be removed if the tip is visible.
Use a magnifying mirror to identify the hair if it cannot be seen with the naked eye. Grip the hair with the tweezer tip and quickly pull.
Do not attempt this repeatedly as the skin will become irritated.
If the hair cannot be located, try again the next day.
Apply a hot compress to draw out any pus or bacteria still present.you can apply fucidin gel on it
if the condition is complicated then you can check with a dermatologist to remove it in or he can use a laser .
A laser can be used to neutralized the hair follicle, killing the hair growing inside the skin. The laser gives a quick zap to the area that feels similar to a rubber band being snapped on the skin. This treatment is recommended for people who suffer from ingrown hairs on a regular basis
Most ingrown hairs will naturally heal themselves and fall out within one week of the hair follicle becoming infected.