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18 years
How to go on diet and make a good system health without going to a nutrition ?
Aug 2, 2014

Dr. Rania Mousa General Medicine
follow a healthy diet high protein low in fats and low in carbohydrates plus regular daily exercise will for sure help in losing some kilos ,look for your caloric intake before and decrease it ,if you take for example 2000 cal make them 1600 cal ,and exercise(means losing more calories and toning muscles) drink much water (2 liters/day),try changing your eating habits to enhance your metabolism meaning that instead of 3 heavy meals you can try 4-5 small meals to increase metabolism and don't miss the breakfast meal you will for sure lose kilos and continue on your lifestyle healthy diet to maintain your desired weight,eat healthy food and get rid of junk food and sodas ,limit your coffee and caffeine intake ,rest enough and sleep well