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How to get rid of e-coli in bladder and to prevent it in future?
Feb 13, 2013

Dr. Karim Farah Pulmonology
if you are a woman. treatment depends whether there is presence or not of symptoms of urinary tract infections such as fever, burning sensation upon urination, blood in the urine, frequency and urgency. if any is/ present you need to take an antibiotic which depends on the culture sensitivity.
if none is present that means its a bacteruria which means bacteria is not causing an infection but is colonizing.
the best way to prevent further infection is to keep yourself well hydrated and emptying your bladder frequently and not holding it at all. cleaning yourself well after passing a bowel movement (wiping from front to back), trying to urinate after sexual intercourse even if it is protected. there are some studies that showed benefit of cranberry juice help reduce UTI in women.
if you are a man you need antibiotics.