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24 years
Hey doctors, I'm suffering from achnea on my upper back. What can I do to prevent them? Thank you
Apr 28, 2014

Dr. Rania Mousa General Medicine
Did you mean ACNE on the back ,the pimples that may be on the face and back ?
if so then try these tips:
1-Drink 8 glasses of water a day. Hydrating properly will ensure that your body will not need to release as much oil and bacteria in the form of bacne.
2-Exfoliate by using an abrasive sponge or a loofah. However, don't scrub too hard, or you'll increase irritation.
3-Have your back submerged within the salt water of the beach for about 10 minutes. Sit in the sun for 10-15 minutes. The sun will dry out the pimples.
4-Change your skin's pH. pH is another word for the alkalinity of your skin(Consider changing your shower head. Invest in a shower head that filters out the chlorine in your water)
5-Wash your whole body with an oil-free, medicated body wash. You want one with an active ingredient of 2% salicylic acid
6-Spot treat with acne medication cream. Since you are already using salicylic acid to wash and moisturize, use a different medicine for spot treatment, such as 2.5% benzoyl peroxide
7-Apply retinol cream. Put a retinol cream on your back at night. This exfoliates your skin and prevents breakouts in tough places.
8-Pay attention to hygien and your clean clothes,wear loose clothes and clean bra
9-shower directly after sweating or workout
10-Do not pick or pop the pimples. This only increases the chance of infection
11-If you are taking Accutane, do not use other medications

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