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27 years
Hello. What is the exact role of the prostate and what are the side effects if it's removed?
Nov 21, 2016

Dr. Nehme Raad Urology
The prostate has a major role in ejaculation. The main portion of the sperm comes from the prostate, and the glands that lies posterior to it (seminal vesicles) and the very minor part (but most important cause it contains the spermatozoids) comes from the testicles.
The prostate can be removed by several ways. In summary, there is radical surgery (where all the prostate is removed for cancer), and surgery for removal of the center of the prostate (called adenoma - to be able to void better).
Sides effects differ a lot between those surgeries.
For radical surgery, the main side effects are erectile dysfunction and urinary incontinence.
If we are talking about the second type of surgery, the main side effect is "retrograde ejaculation" = during ejaculation, sperm goes into the bladder then goes out with urine.