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19 years
Everyone says theres no time to sleep while studying medicine, or free time to relax.. is this true? I guess im just trying to get some advise from the experts, pls?
Jul 31, 2014

Dr. Rania Mousa General Medicine
First to note nothing comes easily ,whatever the major is but for sure ,some require less time some more ,medicine needs more time since you are studying what is related to life of a person his health and wellness ,for that it must be more accurate and thus more illustrations ,more specifications ,it is logic ,memorizing and understanding .
if you want to be special or unique in any major you choose there will be stress ,with some hard time,and overload times ,but in every this you will have sometimes to relax and sleep but that depends on how you plan your day between studying and relaxing ,you need to schedule your hours between university ,home study ,and relaxation .
so it depends on the kind of person you are ,if you are lazy ,don't like to study long periods of time ,wants to enjoy your time with no limit then don't get in .
if you like medicine and human well being ,and memorizing ,and you are kind of organized person with no postponed duties then you can go in.
put the two sides on a scale and figure where your path is going,this option is personal.
medicine is 7 years ,you will have stressful times while others are free that is true but it how you specifically feel about it .
Dr. Zakia Dimassi Pediatrics
Of course, medicine being such a vast domain with lots of materials to digest, there will be some sacrifices that you'll have to make, like shorter periods of sleep and less leisure time. If however you play it smart by following good time management skills and habits, prioritizing, studying smartly and daily, it will be easier for you to adapt to thecchallenging conditions of medical school. And do remember that you will need to follow measures to prevent burnout, in order for you to remain healthy (physically and psychologically) and be productive.