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20 years
Can a person get HIV from touching dried blood?
Aug 8, 2014

Dr. Rania Mousa General Medicine
HIV can survive at the longest a few minutes, but an average of around 30 seconds when exposed to air. The virus can not live in a dried state.The longer the virus lives in a liquid state exposed to air the weaker it gets and the smaller chance of transmission. For example it is very strong within seconds, and by many minutes, or in radical cases hours, it is practically untraceable. Also, it has to be entered into one’s body so someone who have to rub their open sore, or wounds against large amounts of wet blood that has been exposed to air in less then a few minutes.
This has been a very minuscule issue and way of transmission is for people who’s occupation deals with handling bodily fluids.
HIV dies within minutes of leaving the body. 46-47 hours later, the HIV most definitely will have died and there would be no risk of transmission.