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19 years
Bad anus smell what is the treatment for this problem ? Any cream?
Nov 1, 2014

Dr. Zakia Dimassi Pediatrics
The anus is the opening at the end of the digestive tract where stool leaves the body. The rectum is the segment of the colon just above the anus that serves as a stool reservoir before it passes out of the body through the anus.
The anus is made up of, in part, of the surface layers of the body, including the skin, and partly from the intestine. Disorders of the anus and rectum may cause pain, itchiness, and sometimes foul-smelling discharge. In order to make a proper diagnosis of the underlying condition, a doctor's evaluation, anoscopy or sigmoidoscopy (with a scope), and possibly barium enema are needed. To diagnose disorders of the anus and rectum, the doctor examines the skin around the anus for any abnormality. With a gloved finger, the doctor probes the rectum (digital rectal exam or DRE). Next, the doctor may choose to perform an anoscopy in order to be able to visualize the anus and rectum. A longer, flexible tube (sigmoidoscope) may then be inserted so that the doctor can observe into the large intestines.. Tissue and stool samples for microscopic examination and cultures may be obtained during sigmoidoscopy. A barium enema x-ray may also be done.